Call for Submissions: Fireweed: Stories from the Revolution

Fireweed, noun. A plant that springs up on burned land.

Edit: Submissions are now closed. We have received your submissions and are working through them. Expect to hear from us about acceptances and rejections by the end of September, 2019.

Lonely Cryptid Media is now accepting submissions for our new anthology: Fireweed: Stories from the Revolution. We are seeking submissions of poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art. We are interested in highlighting and elevating underrepresented voices of all kinds and we strongly desire work from artists and writers from marginalized groups including those from non-privileged racial, sexual, gender, national, religious, and ability backgrounds.


Art is one of our primary means of interacting with, and changing, the world. Since the 2016 election racism, fascism, sexism, and nationalism have taken on new prominence in the United States. These dangerous views are becoming more acceptable to express. Fireweed aims to combat these views by instead celebrating the work of marginalized artists and authors writing during this time of social change.

We accept all works related to the current political moment, whether explicitly or implicitly. Of particular interest are works which celebrate resistance, provide catharsis, imagine positive (and even utopic) futures, provide inspiration for activists and revolutionaries, and otherwise uplift us during a time of deep sadness. Works do not need to be specific to the context of the United States. Non-English works may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. We accept all genres, with a particular fondness for Speculative/Science Fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance.

Submission guidelines

Submissions are open July 15th-August 15th

Multiple submissions: Up to three works per creator may be submitted, however it is unlikely that we will purchase more than one from you.

Simultaneous submissions: You may simultaneously submit your work elsewhere. Please let us know ASAP if your work is otherwise accepted for publication.

Prose Submissions:

Prose submissions should be less than 4,000 words. There is no minimum number of words. Works may be fictional or creative non-fiction.

Poetry Submissions:

All forms of poetry are encouraged. Poems should be no more than 250 lines.

Visual Art Submissions:

All art suitable for 2D representation is welcome. Your work should be suitable for representation in black and white.

Save or scan your files as PDF or PNG at 300 DPI. This anthology is digital only, not print, so saving in RBG mode is okay. If you are working digitally, make sure the files are flattened (no extra layers or channels)

Note: We will be commissioning the cover art in a separate call. Please indicate if you wish to be considered for the cover art and include a link to your portfolio (either a personal website or a representative sample of your work on an image sharing site such as imgur).


Each work will receive a flat payment of $25 upon acceptance, plus 1% of sales in the first month. We are buying exclusive first publication rights*, first electronic rights, and archival rights. Your work will be compiled into a pdf available for purchase in our store. Upon publication rights revert back to the author.

*We may purchase one-time and reprint rights on a case-by-case basis, but we are focusing on first publication for this anthology. Please indicate if your works has ever been published in any market before. As always, you must have the legal ability to sell your work to us.

Along with payment, each contributor will receive a gratis pdf copy of the anthology.

Confused by all this talk of rights? Read here for more information:

How to submit

We are collecting submissions using Google Forms. Please follow the instructions in the link.

Other questions? Please contact Dan Fielding at with questions. Please write “Fireweed Question” in the subject line of the email. Please do not submit work over email. Use the submission portal instead.

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